Information, guidance and resources supporting the understanding and management of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Please be aware that this is a fast-evolving situation and clinical and public advice may change. Information here will be updated and changed as appropriate so please check for the latest version.
All content on this website is accompanied by a date of publication - the content was believed to be correct and relevant at the date of publication. New information or publications that have become available since the date of publication may make some observations or guidance within the documents on this website outdated, and some third-party documentation referred to in website content may have been superseded. Readers should therefore be aware that content may not represent the latest authoritative guidance.
No more content will be published on this website after 31/12/21. Content relevant to anaesthetic and critical care management during the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be published on the websites of the four organisations behind this website:
RCOA- www.rcoa.ac.uk
Association- www.anaesthetists.org
ICS- www.ics.ac.uk
FICM- www.ficm.ac.uk
Queries about content on this website should be directed to clinicalquality@rcoa.ac.uk
Clinical guidance for intensive care and anaesthetics
Information here will be updated and changed as appropriate - please check for the latest version.
National guidance
COVID-19 guidance from the UK Government, Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England, NHS Improvement, Public Health England and other health stakeholders can be found here.
Please be aware that this is a fast-evolving situation and clinician and public advice may change. Information here will be updated and changed as appropriate - please check for the latest version.