Plans for management of medical training rotations

17 March 2020

Please see this communication which has been sent out to the four nations regarding trainee rotations in April. This will affect departments that work with Foundation Doctors.  If further guidance is required it will be accessible through regional Foundation Schools and Programme Directors. We also anticipate that many doctors will be reallocated to areas with the most pressing clinical need. Guidance for this has been issued from Health Education England and the Royal College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. We reiterate that doctors must have clear lines of supervision and must not be expected to work beyond their capabilities.

It is highly likely that rotations in May will also be affected with an impact on many anaesthetists and intensive care doctors in training. We will provide updates for trainees and trainers as soon as we receive further information. Our primary consideration is to try to ensure that trainees’ progress is not unduly impacted by these exceptional circumstances. We will be working closely with our respective Regional Advisors and Heads of School over the coming weeks to ensure that there is appropriate flexibility regarding progress through the training programme.